The Isles of Shoals Association Unitarian Universalist (ISAUU) Religious Professionals Grant Program provides funding for UU religious professionals and their families who have not yet attended a conference on Star Island. Our intention is to introduce UU ministers and religious professionals to the Star Island conferences. We aim to support personal and professional relaxation and rejuvenation, and we hope that grant recipients will promote Star Island as a place of spiritual renewal and connection with people, nature, and shared UU values.
The original Unitarian Summer Meetings Association was founded in 1896 to host conferences at Star Island in the belief that gatherings of Unitarian laypeople and clergy would set the stage for personal renewal and inspiration as well as strengthening the Unitarian movement. The Religious Professionals Grant Program seeks to be a modern embodiment of that century-old vision.
Eligibility: These grants are open to members of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA) or the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) who are Parish or Community Ministers or Ministers of Religious Education, or Religious Educators serving congregations for at least 20 hours per week, and who have not yet been to Star Island and are not associated with official conference programming. Accompanying spouses/partners and minor children can also be covered if needed.
Star Island conference information can be found at https://starisland.org/programs/ Conference registration opens in mid-January. Some conferences fill quickly, so we strongly encourage you to register as soon as possible. Registration information is available at https://starisland.org/programs/registration/
Application Deadline: The application deadline is March 15, 2025. Decisions will be communicated by April 15, 2025. Applications received after March 15 will be considered if grant money remains available.
Award amounts: Awards may not exceed the cost of room and board. In recent years, we have had more eligible applicants than our funds allowed us to fully support. As a result, we may offer awards that only partially cover the cost of room and board.
PLEASE NOTE: If a grant is awarded, we ask that you be prepared to register for the conference of your choice and confirm your intention to attend Star Island no later than April 30th. Grant recipients are responsible for other conference costs, including conference registration fees, parking at the dock in Portsmouth, and personal expenses incurred on island. We also ask that you keep us informed if your plans change and you are unable to attend the conference.
Costs/Fees: Information can be obtained at www.starisland.org. Each conference page has its own fee structure. Room and board prices depend on what type of room you reserve and the length of the conference.
Please complete the application form here: